Why hello hello everyone and thank you for reading the very first post in what I hope will be an exciting, adventurous, knowledgeable and wonderful blog for you to enjoy. Bear with me as this first post is quite long to get you up to snuff as to who I am in (school wise) and why I am where I am (not in the existential sense, as in the physical sense).
I guess first and foremost, maybe I should explain what this is all about, in case you don't know. While in my undergrad I knew, well actually before my undergrad I knew, that I wanted to get into Forensic Psychology (you know, assess people like John Hinckley Jr., Ted Bundy, those type of wonderful people). So the hunt started as to where I want to go, where would be good for me, all of that research that can leave a person feeling very discouraged of what needs to get done in order to get to that level. But I knew it was what I wanted so the journey began to 'get er done'. I knew from the get go that I was probably going to be moving to the States as that is where I will eventually want to get my PsyD (not a PhD - two different things. Quick difference speech - PhD is a Doctorate of Philosophy and is research based while a PsyD is a Doctorate of Psychology and is more applied based) so I started applying to States schools.
Now, as a side note, like almost every other Forensic Psychology student will tell you, at one time or another, I thought that this would be the sure track to becoming a profiler, you know, like on Criminal Minds (although lots of people associate CSI with Forensic Psychology - sooooo not the case). However, after researching this wonderful dream of mine, I learnt that after getting accepted into the FBI for police work/investigative/not psychology related jobs (and not being accepted anyways cause I wear glasses (Criminal Minds - you lied about this) and probably not able to get through their rigorous exercise regime and all that jazz), and then spending about 10 years doing that then getting a recommendation/offer to join the BAU, then do a test or something like that, then I could finally work in one of the 4 field offices. Sounds good right? Pbft. So then I turned to doing the next best thing - assessing the said criminals that the good old Criminal Mind people find and apprehend. On top of it, I have wanted to visit St. Elizabeth's hospital (in Washington DC) ever since I researched the insanity defence and learnt all about John Hinckley Jr. If I could assess or work with the criminals in there, that would be so interesting and wonderful. So that added another element to where I wanted to do my schooling.
Then came the day that I got the acceptance letter from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington Campus. It was exactly what I wanted - it specializes in assessment, it is in Washington and the licensure allows one to work in Washington, Maryland and Virginia (which is where the BAU is located, just in case that pans out for some fluke of a reason hahaha). After a very long, roller coaster of a ride in getting everything set up and financed for this expedition, I found myself on a plane at 11:44pm departing Edmonton and heading to Washington (with a few stops to Houston and Orlando along the way).
Between Edmonton and Houston |
Flying over Orlando |
After a long day of flying, waiting in airports, going through security and trying to sleep on planes (which I learnt I am not a master at), I finally arrived in Washington on August 21, 2012 at 2:07pm Washington time, and it was a very surreal feeling as I felt like I was flying 'home'; it felt like this is where I am supposed to be. Got the luggage, found a cab, and I was off to the races. First stop was leasing company where I got my keys; second stop was to see my new place and drop off the luggage; third and last stop was to Target to pick up the essentials to get by until my possessions arrived. I get back home and just stood in my living room, looking around, smiling to myself that this adventure is underway and I am going to make the best of it while I am here.
Then started the wonderful walking to find where things were in my area, and, more importantly, to go and get a phone. So I had the address of the place where I was supposed to go and I had the directions of how to get there; infallible. Yeah, not so much. I have learnt that I *still* don't know my West and East and Washington streets have three different types: North/South is numbers, East/West are letters and diagonal streets are States and it still confuses me when I reach a diagonal street where the streets continue from that. Anywho, I just start walking with the directions, snapping pictures as I go.
This is in the horizon from my place. It is called the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Apparently it is the largest Catholic church in the US, the 8th largest religious structure in the world and the tallest building in Washington. This is so on my list of things to see more in depth. But I was on a mission for a phone. Long story short, I finally get my phone (after getting poured on and looking like a drowned rat (note to self, always carry an umbrella cause one never, *never* knows when it may rain). Along the way, and me being me, I was snapping pictures left, right and center of everything that was not Canadian like. Especially street signs. Observe the below:
Stop All Way, not Stop 4 Way |
So here is a very long winded introduction of how I got to where I am and the beginnings of experiencing Washington with me. There is so much to see here, experience, take in and learn from that I hope you will enjoy experiencing, taking in and learning it all with me. My goal is to see something every weekend; hopefully that way I will be able to get in everything that I can while I am here.
Speed Hump, not Speed Bump |
So with that, enjoy my antics and I hope to keep you entertained. Also, here is a quote that basically sums up how I got to where I am:
"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about".
Take care and love you all!!