Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All the food food food!!!!! What a wonderful Holiday!!!

Happy new year one and all!!!! It is 2013 - not sure what that really means except for the Mayans were wrong (but people probably cashed in on the panic they created), the world did not end (as they usually predict it seems like every year) and it is the year of the Snake.  If the world really did end, this is how I would hope it would go (you need to watch this, not just listen to it):  the end of the world.  And it is a new year because hockey is finally going to be up and running and starting!!!!  Some pissed off fans, some happy fans - I am just happy that I don't need to be watching/hearing more about basketball and football with hockey now starting up.  This is my happy dance hearing that news (again, you need to watch this hahaha):  shake shake shake

I write this while sitting out at my brothers place - looking out the window, seeing all the snow and wonderfulness the country has to offer.  Sadly, I have not been able to look out the window and see a herd of deer or moose kicking out in the field, but it is still gorgeous nonetheless.  It is going to be a weird feeling landing back in Washington and seeing grass and tank top/flip flops weather hahaha.  I unpacked all my winter clothes to just repack it when I get back.  Oh well - it was absolutely wonderful to have winter as much as I could.  I could not imagine being anywhere that didn't have snow for Christmas, let alone winter.  I am pretty sure my parents are guaranteed to see me at Christmastime from here on out hahaha; well as long as I am somewhere that won't have snow at Christmas. 

Between my mom's, dad's and brothers', this trip has been packed full of relaxing, laziness and family.  Over at Mom's, we watched Hallmark Christmas movies, regular movies, baked, ate, ate, ate, cross stitched, decorated cookies, ate some more, watched more movies and she knitted me two winter headbands. And I got to see my Kitty, who is going to live to be 102 just to spite mom we think hahaha.  I went through my trunk that has is in the attic and the memories that came flooding out of there were awesome - my cast from when I broke my arm when I was 4, Elvis stuff, my cabbage patch kid, my stolen textbook from high school and much much more.  The funniest was this little play thingy I found (one of those emails that got sent around where you plug in certain information and it creates a story) - it certainly fortold some of my future....hahaha:

The Shrine of Insanity Presents....Springer!!!!

Jerry:  Okay, okay.  So , let me get this all straight....Ashley is married to John who Candace has secretly been in love with for years and years.  Now Candace has recently become engaged to Kyle who was recently spotted kissing Ashley in Italy.  Now, on top of this, Dustin has just admitted to being in a sexual relationship with Candace. 

John:  That's right Jerry.

Jerry (looking sternly into the camera):  It is times like these that one has to wonder, whether or not these people are aware that they are quite clinically insane. Perhaps we should be spending more on psychiatric health funds in this country, perhaps we should just an Vegas to cut down on impulse marriages.  Perhaps I should get a new job.  Thanks for watching folks; it's been great but for's good night. 

Over at Dad's was more eating, hanging out with Hank, watching Bumper Stumpers and cross stitching.  We had smoked moose burgers one night....holy crap were they ever good.  Like uber good.  To good to describe in words good.  Had a Daddy and Me day when I went to Lloyd with him to go get some work stuff - we stopped off at Dairy Queen and got some buster bars in memory of Grams.  Same thing with my brothers - watched all the Harry Potter movies with my sister in law, cross stitched, ate, ate, ate some more (my brother is probably one of the bestest cooks that I know) and just relaxed.  I am pretty sure this whole trip I have gained over 10 pounds hahaha.  Thankfully I ordered myself a waterproof case and headphones for my ipod so that swimming pool will be seeing a lot of me in the near future. 

It is the new year and as such, the age old 'new years resolution(s)' must be stated.  Now I normally never do them because I have never stuck to them, but this time around, I think I will stick to them because they are feasible hahaha.  The first one is that I am going to blog more frequently than normal (and then they won't be as long as they have been in the past).  Ohhhh, which reminds me, if you want to get emails to say when I post a new blog, over on the side, close to the top, you will see a little box that says "Sign up to follow my blog" - put your email in here (it does not get traced anywhere, nor can I see this) and you will get an email whenever I post a new posting.  Easy peasey lemon squeezy.  So that is a resolution.  Another one - to get a picture of every animal at the National Zoo.  And to get a picture of every gargoyle at the National Cathedral.  And probably more as the year goes on hahaha. 

Well, wish me luck on my travels back to Washington (I am not looking forward to the 10 hour day, that is for sure).  I hope it is not as eventful as the trip to Alberta was hahaha.  I am thankful for all the people who take time to read this blog and I wish you much more interesting and fun reads in the future!!! This holiday made me realize how much I love and miss my family.  Take care and love you all!!!!


  1. I love that one of your resolutions is to blog more! That is a yay for us for sure. And I think you might need to start a gargoyle blog, where you can create a little story about every gargoyle you take a picture of!

    PS I was already feeling sad about not being home for Christmas this year, and this didn't help! Ah well - we'll all be together in 2013!

  2. Safe travels Ashley, thanks for the great visit. Can't wait to see you in May!!! Love you lots!

  3. mmmm food...Have a safe trip back, miss you already. The three hours I got to see you wasn't near enough. xoxo

  4. What would the holidays be without family and food! Smoked moose burgers sounds like candy to me. Thanks for the entertaining update and best of luck back in the US of A. Keep your stick on the ice.
    Later gator.
    Brian. ;)
